Good evening viewers. You're welcome once again to read my posts. I quarantined my blog for the past few days because of specific reasons i cannnot disclose. Now, let me post, for i haven't done so for quite a long time, Oh, more then 2 weeks. Yes yes.
So,i shall start with Sunday. On Sunday evening, we went to Suntec. For what? You may ask, but, i shan't answer :p. Nah, joking. If not then why would i post about this day. Except maybe i tell you i went Suntec to post this. But that would be incredibly lame, so... Ok, i went Suntec to help my Dad with his work. He was short of photographers for a particular event, and I seem to be fit as one(Yeah right) Ok, at least to him. But i wasn't there to take photos. I wore the clumsy looking cameramen vest, and wielding my dad's camera, i set off to pretend to take photos. Those people just wanted to see the flashes of lights from cameras, so it'll look like an important event. I deleted the photos immediately after they're done. My dad just used the old camera, and took "photos" without inserting any film. Haha, how funny. But i got pay from him. 50bucks, yay. I haven't touched it yet. After that, no, after dinner, we went shopping, for a while. And we returned home after.
On Monday, which was today, we...never mind. Mahesh, Zain and me went to Little India to shop. For what, don'task me. I have no idea. As a whole, we spent only 8 bucks. Not including transport and food. Yup, that's about it.
And, to look into the future, i seriously can't predict what tomorrow will be like. Let's just hope everything will turn out fine, no hard feelings (like what zain said). No losing of tempers. No violence, vulgarities, no DANCE. ahh. Most importantly, no Mahesh. Ok lah, we need him, but his O's just on Wed. Alright, this is one of the most boring posts i ever EVER typed. Sigh. 5 times since, btw, if you realise