Sunday, June 25, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Ahh shit shit. The Girls' Brigade rushed us for the video! Ahh. I want to go to school. But have the work experience, how? That mean next week have to stay back after school. Then at work its like keep thinking about other stuff, cannot concentrate. Bloody headache. At least got new stuff to do lah, instead of that magazine thingy. Ok, don't tell no one, but I've already decided not to go for the work experience on Thursday. On Thursday only hor. Already give them discount.
Was late for work today, wanted to take a taxi there instead of the bus cause it was raining or rather drizzling. But cannot. The taxi hor, never wait for us one. (or we didnt wait for the taxi) Throughout the whole day my brain was like. "aahh, i need sleep i need sleep." Skipped like 9 hours---
Not bad, we found a faster way to go home. Faster as in the bus can drive faster. I mean the bus driver can drive faster. But we have to walk more, which we dont mind. Upon reaching Bishan or rather Toa Payoh, sigh, have to walk more. So we walked and walk, then reach around the school there. Then god bless, my brain cells started working suddenly and I remembered i have to escort my bio file home for 'you know what' (footnote-you know what or y.k.w refers to homework)aye, but y.k.w sounds like a person's initial. I forgot who though. I'll post it once i remember but. When we go to sch, it was like 6.30, which to mr woon is very late. So that plump auntie who is always in that purple costume(is it?) said she's about to lock the school up, so canot go up, while she's watching the guys play soccer at the parade sq. Is she into world cup too, i dunno. crap, bye.
Was late for work today, wanted to take a taxi there instead of the bus cause it was raining or rather drizzling. But cannot. The taxi hor, never wait for us one. (or we didnt wait for the taxi) Throughout the whole day my brain was like. "aahh, i need sleep i need sleep." Skipped like 9 hours---
Not bad, we found a faster way to go home. Faster as in the bus can drive faster. I mean the bus driver can drive faster. But we have to walk more, which we dont mind. Upon reaching Bishan or rather Toa Payoh, sigh, have to walk more. So we walked and walk, then reach around the school there. Then god bless, my brain cells started working suddenly and I remembered i have to escort my bio file home for 'you know what' (footnote-you know what or y.k.w refers to homework)aye, but y.k.w sounds like a person's initial. I forgot who though. I'll post it once i remember but. When we go to sch, it was like 6.30, which to mr woon is very late. So that plump auntie who is always in that purple costume(is it?) said she's about to lock the school up, so canot go up, while she's watching the guys play soccer at the parade sq. Is she into world cup too, i dunno. crap, bye.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I am about to make this post ultra short. Cause I'm damn tired and feel like sleeping, yeah.
So, about the work experience thing, I shan't post it again, cause I already typed a half an hour's worth of words about it, but I accidentally exited blogger. Wth. What's wrong with me and unfinished text messages,
1: SMS, sorry Shi Jie, I like sent you 2 unfinished messages in a row.
2: Blogger, I hit backspace instead of some other button, and my comp recognized it as return. So it brought me back to some crappy page.
Yup, blame my handphone and comp's to be so flat. And the send button is exactly on top of the dot button. For people with little or NO sensivity fingers, advise to you is look at the keypad while you type. Trust expertise, um, crap. yeah. So I shall heed Bong's advise, SAVE AFTER EVERY um..5 MINUTES OF TYPING. ok, i added that 5 minutes myself, cause I think time is a very very very very very very important factor. And because of time, I don't think I can finish my holiday homework+revision for test+group work+whatever guitar lesson for the deaf/mute/ shit.
When are we supposed to pass up the history group work thing? We have no idea where are we heading. I mean, there are no news of the group members at all. We shall now pronounce the group 'Most wanted' (is it named that way, see la, i even forgot the group's name) officially dead, wait, hang on. Look...., at the time. yeah. There's still a chance to do it. That chance depends on when is the deadline of that project. Ahh, suddenly I feel like sitting in teo comp room meddling with the comp there. Its much peaceful that way, unless i accidentally messed up that mac there that almost none of us know how to use. That guy fixed the other comp up, and who knows, Mr. Woon has been using the comp there for ulterior purposes. Like um.. playing need for speed, haha. he still cant beat me and my evo. admit it mr woon. No la jk. He's still better off with his Honda.
What's wrong with me, my left ear can't hear properly. Do I need a doctor? Maybe. Now is it me or is my left speaker spoilt. Make a guess. Sigh, I'm still having a flu. I don't know what will happen tomorrow at the office.
I hate the weekdays having to face this board. If your eyes are damn sharp, maybe you'll notice the Charles and Keith logo. Thats the thing I dread to see. Yup. By the way i broke another of my promise. You guess la, look at the first sentence of my post.
Ok, i shall end it here. Cause I left too much spaces. My illness messed my brain up.
So, about the work experience thing, I shan't post it again, cause I already typed a half an hour's worth of words about it, but I accidentally exited blogger. Wth. What's wrong with me and unfinished text messages,
1: SMS, sorry Shi Jie, I like sent you 2 unfinished messages in a row.
2: Blogger, I hit backspace instead of some other button, and my comp recognized it as return. So it brought me back to some crappy page.
Yup, blame my handphone and comp's to be so flat. And the send button is exactly on top of the dot button. For people with little or NO sensivity fingers, advise to you is look at the keypad while you type. Trust expertise, um, crap. yeah. So I shall heed Bong's advise, SAVE AFTER EVERY um..5 MINUTES OF TYPING. ok, i added that 5 minutes myself, cause I think time is a very very very very very very important factor. And because of time, I don't think I can finish my holiday homework+revision for test+group work+whatever guitar lesson for the deaf/mute/ shit.
When are we supposed to pass up the history group work thing? We have no idea where are we heading. I mean, there are no news of the group members at all. We shall now pronounce the group 'Most wanted' (is it named that way, see la, i even forgot the group's name) officially dead, wait, hang on. Look...., at the time. yeah. There's still a chance to do it. That chance depends on when is the deadline of that project. Ahh, suddenly I feel like sitting in teo comp room meddling with the comp there. Its much peaceful that way, unless i accidentally messed up that mac there that almost none of us know how to use. That guy fixed the other comp up, and who knows, Mr. Woon has been using the comp there for ulterior purposes. Like um.. playing need for speed, haha. he still cant beat me and my evo. admit it mr woon. No la jk. He's still better off with his Honda.
What's wrong with me, my left ear can't hear properly. Do I need a doctor? Maybe. Now is it me or is my left speaker spoilt. Make a guess. Sigh, I'm still having a flu. I don't know what will happen tomorrow at the office.

Ok, i shall end it here. Cause I left too much spaces. My illness messed my brain up.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Bored. That's why I'm typing this thing at all. Whew, the wlan is working, finally. So. Yeah. Shall I go to school today, so glad that I actually have a choice. Zain said he can't go out, and Wei Siang have to stay at home. So that leaves me, stranded all alone between the school and my damned bloody home. I'm so bored. There seems to be no cure for it. But I haven't started on my holiday assignments. So dumb. Had a dream last night. It seemed claming to me at first but actually, when I thought of it during breakfast, it looked more like a nightmare.
Maybe I should, you know start a conversation with someone. All those people who asked me why don't I start conversations, haha. Cause I'm pure lazy and I only wait for people to start talking to me to keep the conver. going. But everyone seemed so lazed up this afternoon, or maybe they don't want to talk to me. Yawn. Great, this week seems to be the most relaxing week. Only have to go to school on Thursday and Friday, the rest I can choose to go or not to go.
But I want to go.. My cousins are staying over and they are rotating my room 180˚ and back. Esp. after they opened up the presents, in my room. Crap. Yay, glad they went for a swim, the house looked so peaceful now. Mr woon wants to talk to me and zain about some commitee member stuff, but i dunno, will he be free at all to chat. Maybe not. Ha. I owed Mahesh 2 movie tickets, which is around 18bucks I got no money with me right now, spent them all. So pathetic. No idea when will he be free from his school so that I can pay him. So how honest am I.haha.
Damn, how are we s'posed to finish a video for SVA this year. We're like all busy. Ahh. The thought scares me. Sigh, I think I shall go to school after lunch.XDed.
Maybe I should, you know start a conversation with someone. All those people who asked me why don't I start conversations, haha. Cause I'm pure lazy and I only wait for people to start talking to me to keep the conver. going. But everyone seemed so lazed up this afternoon, or maybe they don't want to talk to me. Yawn. Great, this week seems to be the most relaxing week. Only have to go to school on Thursday and Friday, the rest I can choose to go or not to go.
But I want to go.. My cousins are staying over and they are rotating my room 180˚ and back. Esp. after they opened up the presents, in my room. Crap. Yay, glad they went for a swim, the house looked so peaceful now. Mr woon wants to talk to me and zain about some commitee member stuff, but i dunno, will he be free at all to chat. Maybe not. Ha. I owed Mahesh 2 movie tickets, which is around 18bucks I got no money with me right now, spent them all. So pathetic. No idea when will he be free from his school so that I can pay him. So how honest am I.haha.
Damn, how are we s'posed to finish a video for SVA this year. We're like all busy. Ahh. The thought scares me. Sigh, I think I shall go to school after lunch.XDed.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Hey, I'm back in school, on a holiday's weekend. I feel so tired. Cause gotta take some bloody video for the Girl Brigade. Wah. I can say I stood for more then 3 hours manning the bloody camera, and its uncomfortable when the whole hall's filled with girls, and only the cameramen are well, manhe items they performed are... quite humorous sometimes but the story remains constant. So, yay requested for Mr Lok to permit us to use the comp, while I could be back home slacking. But what to do, the internet at home is down again. I could only wait for my lifesaver (my uncle)to come and fix the modem. Ain't it unfair, my sis gets to go back to Springside for our ex-neighbour's birthday. I didn't get invited, I miss that place. Just wanna see how the new owners renovated our house.
So its boring here. And I'm checking out almost every comp's history(am I allowed to do so?) Guess what, I don't give a damn. Looks like everyone who's using the comp are all lower secondary. I guess the upper secondary all have comps at home, or their too busy to come to the comp lab.
I hate this month's holiday. Its gonna be damn busy lah. Wished I could just back out of that job experience thing. After I signed up. Its like suddenly got so many other stuff for me. So. cannot rest. Snooze. Yeah. Don't tell mr woon I looked at his history too. Muahaha. No lah I didn't, cant intrude people's privacy (stares at certain people) Ok, what occasion is this, they're closing the school so early today. At like 4? Looks Like i have to end it here.
3 June 1950, 3.25p.m.
So its boring here. And I'm checking out almost every comp's history(am I allowed to do so?) Guess what, I don't give a damn. Looks like everyone who's using the comp are all lower secondary. I guess the upper secondary all have comps at home, or their too busy to come to the comp lab.
I hate this month's holiday. Its gonna be damn busy lah. Wished I could just back out of that job experience thing. After I signed up. Its like suddenly got so many other stuff for me. So. cannot rest. Snooze. Yeah. Don't tell mr woon I looked at his history too. Muahaha. No lah I didn't, cant intrude people's privacy (stares at certain people) Ok, what occasion is this, they're closing the school so early today. At like 4? Looks Like i have to end it here.
3 June 1950, 3.25p.m.