Hi peepz. Guess what, 6 hours more to go, and I don't feel sleepy after last minute packings. OKay, so SVA people esp. if you've got anything important to tell me, please leave me a message at 91472727. Dont call please cause most probably my dad will pick it up and shouts HELLO? WO SHI SIMON. yeah. Call my phone number if you wanna enjoy a minute of that nice nice singtel song (:
I don't feel like sleeping so I'd rather crap out.
Suzanne Jung! We will miss you. But will still be able to see your face on CNA. Rudi will too, me on behalf. Today so pai seh lor. Shouted in Comics Con cause I saw Carbon on the racks. and then gasped. Zainul had to get it now. DAMN YOU. nvm. 20 days later you watch out. Hehe.
I so wanted to post a picture we took with Jung, but then again cannot. copyrights and stuff. But hope to get her signature when she comes back again (hopes so for sva). yeah for rudi.
What magazine should I buy tomorrow. Rudi agrees to lend me his book, and hope shane bought extras. Chen chao and hui min? probably not. Ben only knows comics. So ya, thought about getting 8 days/ Hot stuff/ singapore edition uh hmm, nvm skip that thought. Actually wanted to get one for the horny China boys. Cause singapore edition mah. Kk. Or stuff mag. So long nvr buy. I SO WANT TO BRING MY LAPTOP THERE BUT NO IM SCARED OF THIEFS. IM THAT SCARY-CAT. but had to borrow from mr woon his PERSONAL camera, cause I dont have the compact one. Yeah. I must be helluva careful with that guy, cause according to him its his first camera bought with his own money. So yeah worths more then my laptop in terms of sentimental value. Hey, Im not unfeeling kae.
Hope I can wake up tomorrow. So sian. if im at changi early, they can find me doozing away in the sky train, waiting for the announcement for my plane. Bye.