Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Umm, Hi, testing microphone 1, 2, 3. Ok. Yeah, our stupid microphone sucks like low hells. Stupid school, has a low budget for this kind of stuff, so we're using the damn microphone that we found in something like an antique. An old contraption that looks like its bought in the 1980's. And the sound quality of that thing really sucks. Anyway, we still managed to survive. Mr. Blahblahblackshit retorted,"Hey, is this what you always type in blogs? SVA SVA? It's really driving you insane."

Yup, this is. And if I have to go to school l in dec. like I used to this holidays. then that's it. Bye, I'm outta comp club. Nah, jut joking, I'll never leave comp club, even if the school breaks, or it sinks into the ground because of the mrt line that's running below us.

Oh, had great fun today. Laughs, Laughters and more laughters. Especially while we're shooting a scene that's supposed to be in a dark area. Whoa, one shot took something that looked much like a spirit posessing the pillows(haha..). Really did shocked us, like the formation of pillows and the reflection of the nightvision made it looked like a person's face, and body. If i knew how to put a picture of it in here, I would gladly do. And Mr. Woon treated us pizza today. Thanks, it rocked. Whatever, haven't ate one for lots of months already. Except those that my mum made.

Damn that bloody science worksheet. And that bloody donation's card. And the bloody Chinese storybook. Dun feel like talking about them. Haha.

Can't believe it, I took more then two weeks to finish more then half of Angel and Demons. Goodness, I dunno why.

Stupid computer lab, only got 2 pathetic computers. (Damned laggy too). Sigh, low school budget again.

ALright, time to say goodbye for now. I shall next time.

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