Dear viewers, please be noted that the following contents is rated "B" for boring.
Yes, i'm feeling very bored of studying. Sigh sigh. Put me in a coffin quick. Anyway, i shall write something about lost last night. The only obvious thing that i can remember are the numbers. For those who did not watch it last night, you might want to try guessing what is it.
And today was boring at school. We had a music test. Crazy one, can copy (chuckles). Science is driving me nuts. Ahh, like i want to study sound. Boring and complex. I find chemistry much more interesting. But Science lesson today was unltra cool. First time ever. Wish Ms. Tay would conduct more of these kind of (slacking) lessons. Yeah, and i mean no teaching, something like doing a research on what topic you might like. I want to be a person who research on stuff like nuclear or whatever. So i did. Blah.
And went to Francis' condo to study. The study room, yes. So peaceful. Nice environment to study in?
And so bored, might go and study later. E.O.Y is one major one. Can't fail any subject , i tell myself. Never must and never won't be. Esp. English. If I fail, i'll go make my coffin in the DnT lab first. Ask mahesh to help me with it. Then, i go Science lab and take out all my blood, donate it to SVA, then finally take a nap in the coffin.
So, that shall mark the end of my post. To conclude:Was my rating real, or you people think its to make you people read on. Think it should be real lah, Was really bored.
Alright, bye.
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