- Registered for Bass Guitar course! I'm so excited. Can't wait for the first lesson to start. And can't wait for my own guitar. Planning to get one from Swee Lee.
- Xi'An trip in 2 weeks! Also excited. Dunno why, hehe.
- Our new house is done! Except for my room. It has a weird smell and its dusty to the extreme.
- Went to Vivocity with Mahesh. That place is sooo big and very exclusive, especially the GV's Gold Class. But can only afford the normal theatre; Gold Class ticket's 30bucks! Siao eh. Might as well buy the dvd watch at home. It's a nice place to hang out, despite the haze which at that time was over PSI:130.
- Got a plot done for our video, although I didn't contribute much. Lazy me.
- Our own studio is almost completed! Cheers!! I get to play around with the Switcher while the rest messed around with the lightings. At least I know how to use the switcher now.
- I got so high for emaths! I mean very very impossibly high.
- Attended the Innovationation exhibition with Mahesh, again. haha. Always him one. It was really fun though. With all those really cool and sophisticated technology they use there. I used my RIDF for every question, and the last question I tapped like 5 times on the scanner. I got a grade 'relaxed' while Mahesh got 'Enthusiastic' . Haha. BTW, guess whats this?
Its a sphere, no its a sphere with lightsabers sticking out, no its Spikey's partner, no. Haha. okok they're futuristic things with loads and loads and loads of ipod videos trapped inside. Each ipod is like playing some video. I wished I could've just copped one home. Yeah 1 sphere.
Wah, this iPod's slacking away. It was supposed to be a picture of a charging ipod, but my camera sucks.
Yup thats all la. This few things happened when I havent been touching my keyboard for so long. So dusty. Okay, I shall never post the sad happenings, muahaha.
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