Wow, is it just me or is the new blog template thing kinda cool.
But this is exactly the kind of things which limits our creativity right? Everything is there for you, just click, see the one you like and you have your 'personalized' blog skin. Same thing goes for Apple softwares too. Everything is template template! Soon our brains are gonna rot of creative ideas.
Heh, haven't had a decent post in a while eh. Life goes on and it shall be better! Being away for the weekend really took my mind of things, but they just all came back when I get home at night. I'm glad to have awesome friends who were there for me through lonely nights through heart to heart talks, dinners, Skype and midnight movies and night drives. Gonna catch another movie with Kerin tonight, would be fun!

Btw, favourite movie now: Forest Gump
favourite band now: Bee Gees with Too Much Heaven. Bloody on repeat. I think I'm really hooked on to Oldies and Bossa now, thanks to Halimah, Lol.
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