Sunday, February 08, 2009


I feel damn guilty. Of spending too much.
Everytime i want to buy something, I dont feel it, but after a few days, I felt damn bad.
Okay so my dad just got an iPhone. he didn't know how to use it so he gave it to me.
And I'm starting to regret getting that bass! I quite miss my old one. Oh well, life's like that,
no turning back!
Anyway, exams coming up, and Im feeling abit of stress, which is good! Im really scared of distractions now...
This 2 issues are in my new years resolution! But I seem to have broken both. Ahhh.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Wow, long time no post!
So as usual, lots of things happened.
Firstly, had a lot of awesome time with my darling last week!

Thanks for everything (: I really treasured it.
hmm school is fine, presentations killing us all.
And Chinese new year! Got quite a few ang pows, but I think I spent most of it on this!
It was a good buy though! I love the sound and colour of it, reminds me of the moon! I dont know why. So well, it had been a fun yet boring new year, halo and halo and halo.
Have been spending too much money, need to save up!
Probably able to play for st nicks gradnight this year, that would be weird.